• shower Bathtub and/or shower
  • bed 3 beds

Our triple room is a modern standard room where you can relax and enjoy your stay. The room has three single beds, a sitting area, a desk, television, a telephone and the possibility to make coffee and tea. The room has a bathroom with a sink, toilet, and bath and/or shower. You can enjoy the fresh sea air from your own balcony or terrace.


Select the desired arrival/departure date and number of persons to view prices and availability.

Room facilities

  • 3 beds 
  • Bathroom with bathtub and/or shower
  • Sink
  • Hairdryer
  • Toilet
  • Balcony or terrace
  • coffee- and tea facilities
  • Safe
  • Telephone
  • Television (LED)
  • Free Wifi

Hotel facilities

  • Restaurant Zuiderduin
  • Brasserie Bisou
  • Pub O'Donnell's
  • Lucky Strike Bowling
  • Zenmoodz Beauty & Spa
  • Swimming pool
  • Saunas
  • Fitness room
  • Squash court
  • Indoor play paradise for children
  • Bicycle rental
  • Private parking Based on availability
  • Bicycle storage

About Hotel Zuiderduin

Hotel Zuiderduin is situated only a hundred metres from the beach of Egmond aan Zee. The lively centre with nice shops and cosy restaurants is also nearby. The modern hotel has many facilities, including: indoor swimming pool, sauna, bowling alley, wellness, bike rental, pub and restaurant.
More information: Frequently asked questions

Questions about the hotel room - Hotel Zuiderduin

How can I make a reservation?

You can make a reservation online as well as by telephone. It is also possible to make reservations at the reception desk of the hotel. The reservation is subject to availability.

Online booking

Making an online reservation is easy:

  1. Select the desired offer, hotel room or apartement. Click on 'Prices and availability' or 'Reserve this room'.
  2. Select the desired arrival & departure date, number of rooms and number of persons. Click on 'Check availability'.
  3. Click on the 'Select' button for the desired room.
  4. Add any extras to the reservation and click 'next' to enter your details.
  5. Fill in your name and address or log in with your account. Click on 'I want to check my booking'.
  6. Check the reservation, choose your payment method* and click 'I want to pay'. 

Once you have completed all the steps, you will receive a booking confirmation at the e-mail address you provided. 

* Have you opted for an online payment method? Select your bank and follow the instructions to complete the payment.
* Have you chosen 'Pay on arrival'? Then we ask you to pay the total amount at check-in.

Booking by telephone

Do you have questions about your reservation or would you prefer to book by phone? We are happy to help you, please contact our reservations department on +31 (0)72 750 2000.

What are the check-in and check-out times at Hotel Zuiderduin?

At Hotel Zuiderduin you can check in and check out 24/7. Your room is available from 3pm on the day of arrival. Check out is possible until 10.30 am. Are you staying in the suite of Hotel Zuiderduin? Then you have until 12.00 to check out.

Is breakfast included at Hotel Zuiderduin?
Breakfast is included* during your stay at Hotel Zuiderduin. You are welcome between 07.30 and 10.30 for breakfast at Restaurant Zuiderduin.
* Except for stays in apartments
I have mobility restrictions. Is Hotel Zuiderduin suitable for me?

At Hotel Zuiderduin you will find wheelchair-accessible rooms with the necessary adaptations for a carefree stay.

Do you prefer to stay in a Appartment? Appartementen de Egmonden offers fully adapted and barrier-free apartments.

How do I arrive at Hotel Zuiderduin?

Hotel Zuiderduin
Zeeweg 52
1931 VL Egmond aan Zee

View driving directions to Hotel Zuiderduin.

Can I bring my dog to Hotel Zuiderduin?

Yes, Hotel Zuiderduin offers special rooms where dogs are welcome. Dogs are not allowed in the restaurant, the pub, the sauna accommodation, and the swimming pool.
Before making a reservation, we kindly ask you to contact us first to discuss whether the rooms where dogs are allowed are available. We would like to inform you that we allow a maximum of two dogs per room and there is an additional charge of € 15.00* per dog per night. Please keep this in mind when planning your stay.

*except for assistance dogs

Is smoking allowed in the room?

No. The hotel is completely non-smoking. that smoking is not allowed in the rooms, facilities and other areas of the hotel.

Why does the price of a hotel room vary?

The price of a hotel room depends on a range of factors. One important factor is the season. For instance, the hotel industry works with low, mid and high season, in the high season the highest prices are charged.

What are the cancellation policies of this hotel?

Subject to our terms and conditions, it is possible to change your stay date or cancel free of charge up to 3 or 7 days before arrival. This also depends on the period in which your stay falls.

  • You can cancel the booking free of charge up to 72 hours before arrival. Afterwards 100% cancellation costs.
    A (one-time) rebooking up to 24 hours before arrival is possible free of charge. Rebooking costs of €25.00 will be charged within 24 hours before arrival.


  • This applies to reservations which you book directly with our hotel (not when booking through a booking agency).
  • These cancellation conditions are not valid for the Last Minute Special (Non Refundable).

Still have questions? Fill in the contact form.to submit your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

An impression of Hotel Zuiderduin